“Learning to be”. That’s the ultimate quest and the one we begin the minute we are born.
To be a daughter.
To be a eldest sister.
To be a friend.
To be partner
To be a team mate and a team leader
To be a parent
To be an entrepreneur
To be…all the above, but also being able to learn how to become new “bes”.
Then, education should be a lifelong empowerment process, which helped us in our intra and interpersonal understanding, achieving personal development and becoming empathic individuals.
The UNESCO called the above “learning to be”
Personal development, creativity and well-being have the potential of becoming the key outcomes of a learning system that follows the “right track” by giving the learners the tools to find their best path to achieve their goals
That’s why I decided to integrate different coaching, mentoring and personal development tools in my learning programs: so I can help my clients- young people, entrepreneurs, leaders and their teams develop to their fullest potential while building their “others” capacities.
Who do you want to be??